by Michael Pope | Jun 29, 2017 | BLOG, Cameo, Heirlooms, Uncategorized
Alexander the Great commissioned his portrait – in the likeness of a god – to be engraved in stone in the third century BCE, according to jewelry expert Anna M. Miller, author of “Cameos Old and New.” This was the first time a cameo – a three-dimensional figure carved... by Michael Pope | May 23, 2017 | BLOG, Diamond Jewelry, Engagement Rings, Heirlooms, Uncategorized
A man presents his prospective bride with an engagement ring upon acceptance of his marriage proposal. Anthropologists believe this tradition originated from a Roman custom in which wives wore rings attached to small keys, indicating their husbands’ ownership.... by Michael Pope | Sep 14, 2016 | BLOG, Heirlooms
Heirlooms by M.Pope & Co.